sangat macam biasakan bila kata busy. sungguh tak sangka rupanya nak pindah ke rumah baru bz yg amatss... i also noticed that back to 2003 i have a lot of ideas to write in my blog ke sbb masa tu student so life fun sangat and now cam kureng... a lot of things happened which is fun tapi ntah cam malas nak blogged about it and tambah malas nak upload2 gambar :D

finally, decided not to have plaster ceiling, simply because it is just nice to have and our house will look smaller and tersangat panas ye (kes jenguk umah jiran2 yg dh buat).

still ulang alik every weekends ntah walau tak der nak buat apa cam suka je nk tgk.. kadang2 singgah antar barang.. kadang2 jumpa kontraktor.. kadang2 saja2 je :P

kebanyakkan major renovations are almost complete except for the aircond becuse we just found out last week how to install aircond at our unit from the management. leceh la.. banyak plak prosedur nya kalau dok apartment (ye la kata nak apartment cantik.. kang masing2 buat hal sendiri rumah dah rupa apa la plak). finally we decided to only have the aircond at the master bedroom. tak sanggup nk tgk derang hack the wall kat living hall to install the piping, wiring and etc... noooooooooooo. tak perla tak regret pun tak letak aircond kat living hall (pandai2la cari solution bila ramai org kat rumah nanti :P).

bila la nak balik kluang ni... mak cakap tak perla settlekan dulu korangnya rumah. nanti dah pindah mak dtg la. hubby is always on standby or work on weekend. cut over is very2 soon haih.. myself x lah sibuk sangat2 tapi still have to pick up ad-hoc tu yg mcm menambah2 kerja. cam ner nak balik kluang. tunggu la bila lapang skit nanti.

lagi pun kalau tibanya month of March not everyone happy. ulang balik kisah happened in 1997. everyone miss abang im. so do i. some more mak pun ada call kata dia tak berapa nak sihat that time i am in the office. i am crying... yes at the office tak leh tahan2 but when i called abah.. abah kata mak ok je saja je g check kat specialist. i even call my brother who is just came back from kluang.. he said mak ok je la x der apa pun. mana satu ni... then i keep calling my mom asked how is she and so and so and she become better. i think it is because of March. Al-Fatihah... semoga roh abang Im dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang - orang yang beriman.

Miss you abang Im.. if you are still around....